Robert Jönsson, MSc
Born 12 March 1956
Since 1985, I have held Principal or management-level posts in the department of fire safety engineering and systems safety, and in the school of fire protection engineers. The department involves extensive research and educational activity. It has grown extensively to about 24 employees and a turnover of 30 MSEK. I was the driving force behind the planning and implementation of the fire protection engineering programme that started in 1986, and I was course manager in a number of courses.
I have also been in charge of starting an MSc programme in Risk Management and Safety Engineering that started in 2001.
I have also been the active partner in starting a Master of Science education in fire safety engineering, a joint programme between us, Edinburgh University and Gent University. It started in 2010 and is partly sponsored by the European Union, a so called Erasmus Mundus programme.
Thanks to a large number of publications on the topic of fire design and inspection of new and existing buildings, as well as the fact that, during my time on the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket), I was responsible for the formulation of the Swedish building regulations in fire protection that came into effect 1994.
I have established for myself a leading international position in the field of Fire Safety Engineering and education.
Civil and Structural Eng, MSc , Civilingenjörsexamen Technical Faculty, Lund University |
790507 |
Master of Science in Engineering University of California, Berkeley |
800614 |
Defence Research Institute, FOA, numera FOI. | 800825-810119 |
Lund University | |
Faculty of Engineering, lecturer, universitetsadjunkt | 810209-000430 |
Promotion to associate professor, universitetslektor. | 000501-130531 |
Department head (chief), prefekt. | 850701-981231 |
Divisional head (due to change in organization), avdelningschef. | 990101-121231 |
Director of studies , studierektor, programledare. | 860701-111231 |
Chairman, fire prot eng programme board, utbildningsnämndsordf. | 931101-111231 |
Programme manager, MSc programme in Risk Management and Safety Engineering, programchef |
000301-111231 |
Boverket | |
Consultant, Boverket (National Board of Housing, Building and Planning) in fire safety |
1991 |
During 1991 I was responsible for all Boverket written replies to fire safety issues concerning interpretation and application of Swedish rules and regulations. | |
Fire safety expert, Boverket 25-40% | 920201-931231 |
In this appointment, I was responsible for developing the performance based building code. I also carried out a number of experience seminars and training days. | |
Technical Director, NEAS Norsk Brannconsult AS | 980815-080530 |
Quality Manager for all advanced design. The company currently has over 30 Norwegian fire protection and MSc engineers employed in Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim. | |
Technical QA Manager JVVA Madrid. | 2013-2015 |
Egen företagare | 2013- |
SWECO | 2015-2020 |
SWECO, timanställd | 2020- |
Co-author, The Swedish National Encyclopaedia | 1991 |
Member, Boverket Building Council, Fire Forum | 1992-2013 |
Member, SRV Educational committee | 1986-2009 |
Member ’Association for Engineering Fire Science and Technology’ | 1996- 2012 |
Membership Administrator | |
Board of Directors, Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) | 2002-2011 |
President, se | 2010 |
Vice president, | 2009 |
Fellow Member. | 2006 |
Member of SFPE Educational Committee | 2012-2015 |
Member of SFPE Membership Committee | 2012-2015 |
Member of SFPE Honours Committee | 2014-2015 |
Member of SFPE Higher Education Task Group | 2012-2015 |
Samhällsbyggarnas representant i Boverkets byggråd | 2014- |
Lund University Educational Prize for Outstanding Effort in Education | 890317 |
Founded the Swedish Chapter of the SFPE (Society of Fire Protection Engineers) | 960312 |
The Society of Fire Protection Engineers, SFPE, is an international organisation working to promote fire safety on a scientific and technological basis. Since April 1996, there has been a Swedish chapter of the SFPE, the ‘Swedish Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Chapter #47’. The Swedish board for this section is the ’Association for Fire Engineering Science’. |
Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) presented Robert Jönsson, FSFPE with its 2012 John L. Bryan Mentoring Award. | |
SFPE Swedish Chapter award for excellence in Fire Protection Engineering | 2013 |
Honorary member of Fire Protection Engineers student union, BIIF | 2013 |